About Joint Conference

The Joint Conference 2010 encompasses 3 important Brazilian events: SBIA (Brazilian Symposium on Artificial intelligence), SBRN (Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Network) and JRI (Intelligent Robotics Journey).

Since 2002, SBRN and SBIA are promoted together. In 2000 and 2006, IBERAMIA (Ibero-American Conference on AI) has been jointed to create the INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE. In 2006 was the first event with IBERAMIA, SBIA and SBRN since in 2000 the event was only composed by IBERAMIA and SBIA.

However, to configure the Joint Conference as it will be presented in 2010, the JRI just only jointed SBIA and SBRN in 2008. JRI is a new event that aggregates a conference and the Brazilian Robotics Competition. In 2008, the competition also encompassed LARC (Latin American Robotics Competition).

A complete International Joint Conference would be: IBERAMIA, SBIA, SBRN, and JRI with LARC competition. This is what we do not going to see in 2010, but we will see it in a near future probably.

São Bernardo do Campo - SP

OCTOBER 23-28, 2010