paper submission:
June 14, 2010
notification to authors:
Aug 23, 2010

Aug 30, 2010


VII Best MSc Dissertation/PhD Thesis Contest in Artificial Intelligence

Call for Papers

The main goals of CTDIA are to divulge and award the best academic work concluded in Brazilian universities from June 2008 to May 2010.

Important Dates

June, 14: paper submission  (Extended Deadline)
August, 23: notification to authors  ** extended**
August, 30: camera-ready submission  ** extended**

Topics of Interest

CTDIA welcome concluded research work in all Artificial Intelligence topics. They include but are not limited to:

  • Constraints and Search;
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;
  • Distributed AI: Autonomous Agent, Multi-Agent Systems and Game Theory;
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (including Commonsense Reasoning, Logics, Probabilistic Reasoning, Ontologies, Semantic Web);
  • Machine Learning and Data Mining;
  • Model-Based Reasoning;
  • Natural Language Processing;
  • Planning and Scheduling;
  • Robotics;

Paper Submission and Review

Papers can be written in English or in Portuguese and must not exceed 12 pages, including title, abstract, all tables, figures, and references. Over length submissions will be rejected without review. Authors should use the style file of Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes. More detailed information can be found at:

CTDIA expects papers with concluded work, with evaluation and results. The papers should include the following information in the first page after the abstract: student level (MSc or PhD), date of conclusion, examining board members, and pointers to an on-line version of the full dissertation or thesis (that can be written in English or in Portuguese) and also to all publications derived from the research work. In addition, they should include the name of the advisor (and co-advisors) as co-authors.

CTDIA will have two phases: in the first phase (until August, 16), which will be eliminatory, a set of works will be selected based on the quality of the submitted paper; in the second phase, the selected works will be presented and judged during the SBIA-2010. Notice that in the first phase, the main objetc of judgment is the paper; while in the second one, the main object of judgment is the full thesis or dissertation.

Submissions violating the formatting guidelines will be excluded from the reviewing process.

Papers must be submitted using the JEMS system:

Only papers in PDF format will be accepted.

All CTDIA accepted papers will be published in CD-ROM proceedings.

The author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present the work.

CTDIA Chairs

Fabio Gagliardi Cozman (Universidade de São Paulo)
Silvio do Lago Pereira (Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo)
Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo (Universidade de São Paulo)


São Bernardo do Campo - SP

OCTOBER 23-28, 2010